5 Reasons Why a Pre-Hung Door is Better Than a Slab Every Time

Some homeowners who visit our Raleigh, NC door supply store ask if they should replace a whole door, or just the slab (the flat panel of a door).

In this article, we’ll explain the differences between a door slab and a pre-hung door. We’ll also share 5 reasons why a pre-hung door is the right choice almost every time.

image of a white cottage with a fiberglass front door captioned with "The 'cheaper' option will cost your more $$$ - Five undeniable reasons why a pre-hung door is better than a slab every time"
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What’s the Difference Between a Door Slab and a Pre-Hung Door?

  • Door Slab: This is just the flat panel, the most recognizable part of the door that swings open and shut. It doesn’t come with any additional components. Imagine it as a standalone piece of wood. You’ll need to purchase the frame, hinges, and hardware separately to make it a functional door.

  • Pre-Hung Door: This is the all-in-one package. It includes the door slab already attached to a hinged frame, ready to be installed in your doorway. Some pre-hung doors may even come pre-drilled for the doorknob and deadbolt, making installation quicker and more accurate.

Here’s a table summarizing the key differences:

Includes Frame No Yes
Includes Hinges No Yes
Pre-drilled for Hardware No (usually) May be pre-drilled
Installation Time More time-consuming Faster and easier
Guaranteed Fit Not guaranteed Guaranteed perfect fit
Overall Look May not refresh doorway Refreshes entire doorway


5 Reasons Why a Pre-Hung Door is Better Than a Slab Every Time

1. Faster and Easier Installation

Swapping a slab requires mortising hinges and installing the hardware yourself.

Pre-hung doors come ready-made, significantly reducing installation time and complexity. This is especially true for DIYers – you’ll save yourself the hassle of precise measurements and potential carpentry mishaps.

2. Guaranteed Fit and Alignment

A pre-hung door is a complete unit, ensuring a perfect fit between the door and frame. No more worries about gaps, uneven hinges, or a door that scrapes the floor.

With a slab, even a slight miscalculation during installation can lead to a frustrating outcome.

3. Like-New Look for the Entire Doorway

Replacing just the slab leaves the old frame in place. This frame might be worn, chipped, or painted a mismatched color.

A pre-hung door refreshes the entire doorway, giving your home a more polished look.

4. Improved Weatherproofing for Exterior Doors

For exterior doors, a pre-hung unit ensures a proper seal around the entire door. This pre-assembled weatherproofing helps keep out drafts and moisture, improving energy efficiency and overall comfort in your home.

5. Increased Security

A pre-hung door and frame are manufactured and assembled together as a unit. This ensures a tight fit and proper alignment of all components, including the pre-drilled holes for hinges and locksets. This tight fit makes it harder to pry open the door or force entry.

By contrast, when replacing just the slab, you’re using the existing frame. Over time, the frame can become warped, cracked, or loose, creating weak points that could be exploited during a break-in. Additionally, improperly aligning the slab with the frame during installation can leave gaps that compromise security.

Expert Door Installers in Cary, NC

These are just some of the many reasons why we almost always advise homeowners that a pre-hung door is better than a slab.

When it’s time to update your home’s doors, you want to work with pros who will give you honest guidance and help you make the right choice for your home and your family.

Get a free quote or use the calendar below to set up a free, no-obligation call with our team at Window Works Co. We can’t wait to help you find the perfect new doors!

Schedule Your Window and Door Consultation Phone Call Today

The Window Works Co.

The Window Works Co.

We sell and install the best windows and doors in Raleigh, NC

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Ready to start your project?

We sell windows and doors to homeowners in Raleigh, Cary, Apex, Holly Springs & Morrisville, North Carolina.

Use the calendar below to schedule your free Window and Door Consultation Phone Call today. This is the first step to getting your quote completed.

We require a minimum of 5 windows per order for orders including windows.

We require a minimum of 3 doors per order for orders including doors.

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